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Articles on Cancer

Displaying 761 - 780 of 878 articles

Gene may trigger prostate cancer

A mutated gene could be responsible for triggering prostate cancer, new research has found. The relevant gene, p53, encodes…

New insight into brain cancer

The role of a tumour suppressor in brain cancer known as parkin has been uncovered and promises to shed light on why certain…

Immune system could help treat cancer

Patients may be able to fight cancer in the future using their body’s own immune system. Scientists have engineered a protein…
Kate Willetts, Aug 28 2008, the first woman to receive the world’s first cervical cancer vaccine, Gardasil. AAP

Australia can beat virus-related cancers if we only show the will

Australia has had a pioneering role in the discoveries that underpin our understanding that some cancers can be caused by infectious agents. But we still face many problems that could be solved if we only…
The jury is still out on whether mobile phones cause cancer.

Do mobiles give you brain cancer? The verdict’s still on hold

Neurosurgeon Charlie Teo is, to many of his patients, the “angel” who cuts where other surgeons fear to go. He feels strongly about the possibility that using mobile phones might increase the risk of brain…

Infections cause one in six cancers

One in six cancers are caused by largely treatable or preventable infections, according to new research. The research looked…
Apple founder Steve Jobs battled pancreatic cancer for many years. EPA/Andy Rain

Gene discovery could help treat deadliest form of cancer

The discovery of a tumour suppressing gene could offer hope to patients with the deadliest form of cancer, new research has shown. An international team of researchers, including scientists from Australia…
Arsenic in contaminated soil can be absorbed and have long-term health consequences. hoyasmeg

Soil arsenic from mining waste poses long-term health threats

Exposure to arsenic in soil and gold mining waste may have contributed to a slight increase in past cancer risk in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas in the Goldfields region of Victoria, according…
Better diets and more exercise could prevent 43,000 cancer diagnoses a year. joshbousel

One in four cancers preventable – but first we need the willpower

Cancer is one of the most common public health threats facing Australians and accounts for nearly one-fifth of the disease burden in this country. The direct cost to the Australian community is approaching…
Bowel cancer screening shouldn’t just be limited to Australians turning 50, 55 and 60. duvelNZ

Bowel cancer screening delays all about dollars but make no sense

In more than 30 years of treating cancer patients, I have seen some health policy decisions that defy common sense. But the most senseless of all is Treasury’s continued refusal to expand the National…

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