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Articles on Ghana

Displaying 381 - 400 of 548 articles

African diasporans visit forts and castles in Ghana as the material embodiment of death, violence and subjugation during the slave trade. Supplied

Ghana’s Year of Return 2019: traveler, tourist or pilgrim?

For Africans and diasporans, learning about their heritage is important. But it remains to be seen how this will translate into a sustained continental and diasporan engagement.
The higher the risk, the less likely that young, educated Ghanaians will get involved in corruption. i_am_zews/Shutterstock

How young educated Ghanaians view corruption

Corruption includes both what people do and what they fail to do. The critical issue is a person’s motive.
Women report abuse during delivery. Shutterstock

Subtle abuse affects women during childbirth

Research in Ghana, India and Kenya shows that more women experience subtle forms of undignified care than they do physical and verbal abuse during childbirth.

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