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Articles on Journalism

Displaying 181 - 200 of 766 articles

Reporting about minor crimes is about to change. Illustration by kali9/iStock/Getty Images Plus

The largest news agency in the US changes crime reporting practices to ‘do less harm and give people second chances’

The Associated Press will no longer name those arrested in minor crimes when the news service is unlikely to cover the story’s resolution. That’s a major shift in US news culture.
South Africa’s Pretoria News didn’t dress itself in glory with its false decuplets story. This picture was taken following Nelson Mandela’s death in 2013. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

False story about decuplets was a low point for journalism: how to fix the damage

Tighter controls are not the answer; the opportunity should be used to think differently about trust and journalism. It is critical to enable audiences to distinguish reliable, verified information.
Opinion journalism can rile people up – or it can bring them together. momentimages/Getty Images

Local newspapers can help reduce polarization with opinion pages that focus on local issues

The best op-ed pages operate like a town square, allowing readers to discuss and debate issues important to their communities and beyond. But many now focus on divisive national political issues.
The Washington Post has been criticized for saying a reporter who was the victim of a sexual assault couldn’t objectively cover topics like the #MeToo movement. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Skepticism, not objectivity, is what makes journalism matter

The concept that journalists should be objective is outdated and impossible. Instead, good reporters use life experiences to ask fresh questions.

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