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land clearing – Analysis and Comment

Rohan Clarke

New research shows planting trees and shrubs brings woodland birds back to farms, from superb fairy wrens to spotted pardalotes

Increasing revegetation from 1% to 10% of the landscape doubled the number of woodland bird species. The collective efforts of landowners can make a real difference for native wildlife.

Destroying vegetation along fences and roads could worsen our extinction crisis — yet the NSW government just allowed it

Under a new code, rural landholders in NSW will be allowed to clear up to 25 metres of land outside their property boundary. This will be devastating for the wildlife that live or migrate there.
Rodd’s star hair (Astrotricha roddii) an Endangered NSW shrub. Gavin Phillips/NSW DPIE, Saving Our Species

Australia-first research reveals staggering loss of threatened plants over 20 years

Australia’s plants help make our landscapes unique. But many are in grave danger of extinction, and in many cases, the problem is getting worse.