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Articles on Middle East

Displaying 241 - 260 of 716 articles

Demonstrators protest ongoing Israeli attacks on Gaza as they march through the streets of Ottawa in November 2012. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Why Canadian aid won’t really help Palestinian entrepreneurs

Canadian aid to Palestine will continue to do little good if the Canadian government continues to ignore Israel’s role in destroying the Palestinian economy and violating basic human rights.
Twentieth-century depiction of a victorious Saladin with Guy de Lusignan after battle of Hattin in 1187. Said Tahsine (1904-1985 Syria) -

Understanding the Crusades from an Islamic perspective

The Crusades have been stereotyped, creating a narrative that supports both Islamophobia and anti-immigrant sentiments in the West, as well as “Westophobia” and paranoia in the Muslim world.
The federal government suspending the export licence of Emanuel Exports, the biggest exporter and the company responsible for the 2017 Awassi Express shipment that triggered the furore around the industry. AAP/Animals Australia

Government suspends licence of biggest live sheep exporter

The government action means there is no trade at the moment after the other current exporter, Livestock Shipping Services, paused its trade over the northern summer.
This photo, provided May 10, 2018, by the government-controlled Syrian Central Military Media, shows Israeli missiles in the sky as others hit air defence positions and other military bases in Damascus, Syria. (Syrian Central Military Media, via AP)

Israeli rocket experience shows bomb shelters matter as much as interceptors

Flashy interceptor systems attract media and government attention. But bomb shelters and warning systems are at least as important in the midst of missile strikes.
An American protester makes his feelings plain during the Iranian hostage crisis, 1979. Wikimedia Commons

Why does the American right hate Iran so much?

Ever since the shocking spectacle of the Iranian Revolution and hostage crisis, American conservatives have reserved a special disdain for the Islamic Republic.

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