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Articles on Nepal

Displaying 61 - 66 of 66 articles

A crack in a road near Kathmandu caused by the earthquake. EPA/Hemanta Shrestha

The science behind the Nepal earthquake

The earthquake that struck Nepal on Saturday was caused by the same forces that built the Himalayas, and science is helping predict where the next quake might strike.
Rescue workers looking for possible survivors in Kathmandu, Nepal, in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake. EPA/Carl Whetham/International Federation of the Red Cross

Recovery must improve Nepal after the deadly earthquake

The recovery effort is now underway after a powerful earthquake hit Nepal. The challenge will be to rebuild a stronger nation.
A marathon on Mount Everest. Increasing numbers of people scaling the world’s tallest peak are changing the culture among climbers. EPA/Himex

Because it is there: commercialising Mount Everest

On May 15, 2006, a mere 300 metres from the summit of Everest, [David Sharp sat just off the climbing route dying](, starved of oxygen, slowly drowning…

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