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Articles on Nepal

Displaying 41 - 60 of 66 articles

More than 600,000 buildings were fully damaged in the 2015 earthquake in Nepal. Jason von Meding

Nepal earthquake reconstruction won’t succeed until the vulnerability of survivors is addressed

Reconstruction progress in Nepal has been painfully slow. Building code compliance and better urban planning are a must – but inequitable access to resources undermines recovery.
Remote mountain regions like the Upper Mustang in Nepal are often neglected by the rest of the world. Timothy Karpouzoglou

Harnessing the hidden power of mountains to meet our climate and development goals

Remote mountain regions are closer to the climate problem than we think, particularly in the context of safeguarding essential ecosystem services such as safe and adequate water.
The April 2015 earthquake flattened villages and towns, but more may be to come. AAP Image/Jonathan Hyams/Save The Children

Nepal earthquake may have ‘unzipped’ fault line, boosting risk of future quake

New research shows the earthquake that struck central Nepal in April this year was only a partial rupture of the fault line, meaning another strong quake could be due in future.
With many people in need of shelter and schools only now re-opening, Nepal is not yet ready to restart the lucrative tourism industry that will help its recovery. EPA/Narendra Shrestha

What can tourists do to help, not hinder, Nepal’s quake recovery?

While some operators have prematurely suggested it’s safe for tourists to return, Nepal’s recovery from the earthquake has barely begun. In the longer term, though, tourism will be vital to this process.
The road to recovery is a long one for Nepal, which goes beyond the immediate priority of disaster relief. Diego Azubel/AAP

Quake recovery can leverage change of lasting benefit to Nepal

Politics in Nepal will hinder relief and recovery efforts following the earthquake and its aftershocks. But look at it the other way around. Could the disaster help to resolve political problems?
In the wake of the Nepal earthquake it’s important people don’t rush in to “rescue” kids who might not in fact be orphaned. AAP

Earthquake orphans: what Nepal can learn from Haiti

Following the earthquake in 2010, people flocked to Haiti to “rescue” orphaned and lost children. The problem that has since emerged is that many of the “orphans” placed in orphanages and sent for adoption, were not orphaned at all.

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