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Articles on Poverty

Displaying 621 - 640 of 895 articles

Election workers count votes by the light of candles and a kerosene lamp at a polling station without electricity in the Yoff neighborhood of Dakar, Senegal in 2007. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)

Empowering the powerless: Let’s end energy poverty

Distributed-energy technologies are a disruptive force that can improve the quality of life for the world’s most disadvantaged and poor.
How many times do we wonder, ‘what’s the right thing to do’? Ed Yourdon from New York City, USA (Helping the homeless Uploaded by Gary Dee, via Wikimedia Commons

How should we decide what to do?

A scholar suggests a few approaches that have withstood the test of time.
Give a man the means to borrow, so the argument goes, and he can work himself out of poverty. But do microfinances’ claims stand up? wk1003mike/Shutterstock

Does microfinance really alleviate poverty? The 34-billion-dollar question

Small loans from governments and philanthropists are often held up as a route out of poverty. But proper research into whether they work is thin on the ground.
Elementary schools provide excellent targets for interventions to prevent obesity as children spend much of their day and consume many of their calories at school. (Shutterstock)

Is your child’s school an obesity risk?

Research shows that children attending schools with low-quality food environments, in poorer neighborhoods, gain more central body fat – putting them at risk of obesity and cardiometabolic disease.
Slum in Paris, by the Pont des Poissonniers. André Feigeles/Wikimedia

Outlining the global fault lines of the ‘slum’ narrative

Slums are an increasing common phenomenon across the global North and global South. To what extent could they be seen as an inherent part of the urbanisation process?
The incidence of poverty among people over 65 is decreasing in part because of increased labour force participation. Col Ford and Natasha de Vere/Flickr

Older people now less likely to fall into poverty

There has been a substantial improvement compared to 15 years ago, when the incidence of poverty among the elderly was 32.4%.
South Africans eat too little fruit and vegetables. Food gardens in urban and rural communities could help. Flickr/USAID | Southern Africa

South Africa’s twin malnutrition challenges: hunger and obesity

South Africa has problems with hunger and obesity and both are linked to malnutrition. But solutions like taxes, education, regulating food advertising and labelling can help the problem.

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