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Articles on Social media

Displaying 1921 - 1940 of 2019 articles

As a publicly traded company, Facebook faces a responsibility to increase its revenue. But is its revamped news feed a step in the right direction? AAP

The Facebook dilemma: how to raise revenue without being defriended

Late last week, Facebook broke the news of another major change to users’ news feeds, sparking interesting discussion across the globe. Described by Mark Zuckerberg as your new “personal newspaper,” the…
Does your Twitter account have to die with you? Image via

I tweet dead people: can the internet help you cheat your maker?

Can you believe it’s been a year already? I’m sure we all remember where we were when we heard the terrible news we’d lost Gregg Jevin. You know, Gregg Jevin? The Gregg Jevin? Don’t worry if the name doesn’t…
Raytheon’s “extreme-scale analytics” system can track people’s movements like never before.

RIOT gear: your online trail just got way more visible

The recent publication of a leaked video demonstrating American security firm Raytheon’s social media mining tool RIOT (Rapid Information Overlay Technology) has rightly incensed individuals and online…
How many likes for news that social networking can increase users’ sense of wellbeing? owenwbrown

Thumbs up: Facebook might actually be good for you

We stalk our ex-partners on it, we are friends with celebrities on it, we play games on it, and we post photos of ourselves on it. But what are we really getting out of the time we spend on Facebook? We…
Does Google’s new map point towards the “wisdom of the crowd”? Google

Google’s map of North Korea stirs social media passion and tensions

News that Google has successfully constructed and published maps of North Korea is stirring the imagination of social media aficionados around the world, but may also stir international political tensions…
Students at the Matraville Soldiers Settlement Public School are part of a program designed to teach them cyber safety and security. McAfee

PM calls on social media companies to help take on cyber bullies

Prime Minister Julia Gillard has called on Twitter to join other social media companies that have agreed to a protocol to help deal with cyber bullying. The Prime Minister was speaking after the launch…
Twitter users are using the #auspol hash to pursue allegations against Julia Gillard. Twitter

Sleaze, smear and social media: how citizen journalists drove the AWU story

Recent opposition attacks on Julia Gillard’s ethics have been underpinned by an unprecedented underground online campaign prosecuted on social media. The questions raised by Tony Abbott and Julie Bishop…
Google Ingress turns walking the city streets into a game of territorial control. Google

Turf war: pick your side and get outside with Google’s Ingress

Don’t read technology blogs? Then a new innovation in massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMPORGs) may be passing you by. Perhaps, like me, such games have never been of much interest to you…
Those who see fit have everything they need to measure opinion, conduct sentiment analyses and sway opinion this way or that. Ali Ali/EPA

Israel, Palestine and the benefits of waging war through Twitter

Warfare, as we know, has gone digital, its volleys and counterattacks rattled out 140 characters at a time. Historically, nation states with superior military prowess have been in a position of influence…
Hashtags embody the “digital” aspect of news. uwgb admissions

Hashing it out: Israel leverages the emergent power of the #hashtag

With #PillarofDefense, Israel this week launched the world’s first-ever hashtag-driven social media military offensive in Gaza Strip, followed by action on the ground. In direct response, the defensively-worded…
Gaza under Israeli Defense Forces fire as seen from the Israeli town of Sderot, which itself is the victim of rocket attacks from its Palestinian neighbour. EPA/EDI Israel

#IDF v #Hamas: the new Gaza war in 140 characters or less

The hostilities between Israel and Hamas this week are just another sad exchange of munitions of no benefit for anyone, least of all the impoverished residents of Gaza. Rockets go one way, Hellfire missiles…

How to cope with angry customers online

New research suggests mirroring the in-store experience online is the best way to deal with negative feedback. Researchers…
Social media has become more important to political candidates. AAP

Social media tricks take hold in election campaigning: report

Google “bombs”, Twitter “spam bots” and astroturfing have become tools of the trade during the US election campaign, and are likely to feature in the run-up to next year’s Australian election say experts…
You like? You buy? Friends aren’t the only ones you share with. escapedtowisconsin

Facebook trials a new way to push your buttons …

Facebook is currently trialling a range of new buttons that could influence how your data is harvested. The trials have been construed by some observers as a response to the corporation’s anaemic share…
Academics freedom and university reputations are being tested online. Academic image from

Academics behaving badly? Universities and online reputations

Trying to control your reputation online is a bit like trying to clean up wee in a toddler pool. You are much more likely to get your hands dirty than achieve any kind of meaningful damage control. Many…
Facebook is no slouch at putting names to faces. christoph_aigner

Facebook tagging and face recognition should be restricted

It may be time to move beyond Facebook’s assurance of its trustworthiness and specifically restrict the company’s use of face recognition. Changes within Facebook Europe would seem to suggest so. For gullible…
Personal insight can be gained from one’s use – or misuse – of social media. Olga Palma/Wikimedia

Stalking your ex on Facebook is creepy … and bad for you

New research from Dr. Tara Marshall at Brunel University has found that Facebook surveillance of ex-romantic partners may disrupt post-breakup recovery and personal growth. That’s bad news, because earlier…
We’re with the brand: how do we judge authenticity online with so many fakers hiding behind the screen? Image sourced from

Please RT: protecting your brand is no mean tweet amid a flurry of fake accounts

I am the FakeMarkRolfe telling you that all FakeMarkRolfes on Twitter are liars. And so is the real Mark Rolfe @Marcjohnr. I’ve started with a variation of the old liar’s paradox, not to explore logic…
Projects are underway to ensure the Paralympics doesn’t fade into the background. EPA/Joerge Carstensen

Wikipedia will help create the most ‘visible’ Paralympics ever

The 2012 Paralympic Games open in London tomorrow morning (AEST). These Games will build upon the successes of Sydney and Beijing in making visible the ability of outstanding athletes. And they are taking…

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