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Students attend a class at the Averroès school in Lille, France, in September 2023. Sameer Al-Doumy/AFP via Getty Images

France’s biggest Muslim school went from accolades to defunding – showing a key paradox in how the country treats Islam

Some of the measures the French government has taken to fight radicalization can do the opposite, three social scientists argue.
This little guy is very cute − and very white. Jiuguang Wang/Flickr

Why are so many robots white?

Humanoid robots tend to be white or resemble white people. Here’s why this is a problem and what social scientists, designers and engineers can do about it.
Infrastructure can increase vulnerabilities to coastal cities like New York. GlennisEhi/Getty Images

From New York to Jakarta, land in many coastal cities is sinking faster than sea levels are rising

Land subsidence is a factor as preparations are made for rising sea levels and strengthening storms. Human infrastructure, including buildings and groundwater extraction, increases vulnerabilities.
Birdlike dinosaur Eoneophron infernalis was about the size of an adult human. Zubin Erik Dutta

A newly identified ‘Hell chicken’ species suggests dinosaurs weren’t sliding toward extinction before the fateful asteroid hit

Rather than a juvenile of a known species, several fossilized bones represent a new species – and shed light on the question of whether dinosaurs were already in decline before disaster struck.
Circular irrigation for growing hay and alfalfa near Corcoran, Calif. − a water-intensive system that relies on groundwater pumping. George Rose/Getty Images

Humans are depleting groundwater worldwide, but there are ways to replenish it

Rapid and accelerating groundwater level declines are widespread in dry climates where groundwater is used for irrigation. But some communities have found ways to turn things around.
A U.K. military aircraft takes off to participate in a joint U.S.-U.K. mission against Houthis. UK Ministry of Defence/Anadolu via Getty Images

Biden’s use of military in Yemen upsets congressional progressives, but fits with long tradition of presidents exercising commander in chief’s power

In the wake of US attacks against Houthi militants in Yemen, a scholar of presidential power to use the military examines the history and present of the laws around US military action.
The fake robocall urged Democratic voters in New Hampshire not to vote in the Jan. 23, 2024, primary election. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Fake Biden robocall to New Hampshire voters highlights how easy it is to make deepfakes − and how hard it is to defend against AI-generated disinformation

Deepfake technology is widely available, and a pivotal election year lies ahead. The fake Biden robocall is likely to be just the latest of a series of AI-enhanced disinformation campaigns.