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The U.S. could soon catch up to the European Union in protecting people’s data privacy. Teera Konakan/Moment via Getty Images

A new US data privacy bill aims to give you more control over information collected about you – and make businesses change how they handle data

Data collection is big business in the US, but a bipartisan data privacy bill rapidly moving through Congress promises to affect the information websites, social media platforms and all other businesses collect.
The FDA Reauthorization Act of 2017 designated a new class of OTC hearing aids. Heizeng Hu/Moment via Getty Images

Over-the-counter hearing aids have been greenlighted by the FDA – your local pharmacist will soon be able to sell you the device you need

OTC hearing aids promise to increase the accessibility and affordability of the devices for millions of adults who live with untreated mild to moderate hearing loss.
Is it better to cool your house all day, or adjust the A/C setting on your way out the door? Westend61 via Getty Images

Does turning the air conditioning off when you’re not home actually save energy? Three engineers run the numbers

Energy modeling software provides insight into whether letting your A/C relax while you’re gone all day will save you energy – and money.