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That looks like a good match. Peshkova/

How to get the biggest bang out of matching funds

Nonprofit fundraisers have long relied on matching funds to encourage giving without knowing if they work. Research suggests one way to make the most out of challenge gifts from big donors.
Family members often become primary caregivers for loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease. tonkid/

The two obstacles that are holding back Alzheimer’s research

The first clinical trial examining a drug to treat Alzheimer’s was begun 30 years ago. There is still no cure and no known way to prevent the disease. Two factors may contribute to that.
Transportation is the biggest contributor to greenhouse gases by sector. Converting the U.S. fleet to cleaner electric vehicles would likely take decades. AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin

Why meeting the Paris climate goals is an existential threat to fossil fuel industries

What if the world really got serious about meeting global climate goals? Doing the math on current emissions and the pace of energy transitions shows how quickly fossil fuels need to be phased out.
COP 22 President Salaheddine Mezouar from Morocco, right, hands over a gavel to Fiji’s prime minister and president of COP 23 Frank Bainimarama, left, during the opening of the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany, Monday, Nov. 6, 2017. AP Photo/Martin Meissner

Many small island nations can adapt to climate change with global support

Although climate change threatens the world’s small island nations, many can find ways to adapt and preserve their homes and cultures – especially if wealthy countries cut emissions and provide support.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Richard Cordray, center, plans to step down at the end of the month. AP Photo/Steve Helber

Why we need to save the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

The decision by the bureau’s founding director to step down this month offers Republicans and the Trump administration a chance to finally gut the bureau they’ve long despised.
Solar home designed by University of Maryland students for the Department of Energy’s 2017 Solar Decathlon. DOE Solar Decathlon

Subsidizing coal and nuclear power could drive customers off the grid

Energy Secretary Rick Perry says the US needs to subsidize nuclear and coal power plants to keep the grid stable. But this policy would raise energy costs and could drive consumers off-grid instead.
Health insurance impacts decisions about contraception, marriage and more. Kamil Macniak/

How Obamacare changed the love lives of young adults

Once young women could access health insurance through their parents, they seemed to make very different decisions about contraception, abortion and marriage.
Venezuela urgentemente necesita ayuda financiera, pero el régimen de Maduro ya tiene pocos aliados en el extranjero. AP Photo/Ricardo Mazalan

Para Venezuela en default, no hay rescate

China, Rusia y el FMI figuran entre quienes podrían ayudar financieramente a Venezuela, pero no es nada claro que vayan a ayudar a este país endeudado.
Venezuela urgently needs financial assistance, but the regime of Nicolás Maduro has few international allies. AP Photo/Ricardo Mazalan

Nobody is going to bail out Venezuela

China, Russia and the International Monetary Fund are among those contemplating a Venezuela bailout. But help for this debt-stricken nation seems far from assured.