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Victims of violence by U.N. peacekeepers in Haiti say that the agency has neither investigated nor offered recompense for deaths and injuries that occurred during anti-gang raids. Daniel Aguilar/Reuters

Sent to Haiti to keep the peace, departing UN troops leave a damaged nation in their wake

On the eve of its departure from Haiti after a 13-year stabilization effort, the UN faces accusations that its troops used excessive force to fight gangs, killing innocent bystanders.
Computer training can decrease children’s biases. Jeff Inglis

How to combat racial bias: Start in childhood

Racial bias is associated with dehumanizing social groups different from your own. Psychologists trained kids to differentiate individuals of another race – with lasting effects on their biases.
Undocumented migrants are among those helping to rebuild the hardest-hit areas of Oaxaca state, where federal aid has been slow to trickle down. Presidencia de la República Mexicana CC-by-2.0

In Mexico, undocumented migrants risk deportation to aid earthquake victims

A brigade of migrants from Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Guatemala have interrupted their trek north to stay in Mexico and support earthquake recovery efforts.
Cash-strapped Hartford is one of a number American cities that have missed out on the nation’s urban renaissance. Jessica Hill/AP Photo

Gentrification? Bring it

In the country’s wealthiest cities, gentrification is a dirty word. But it’s all relative – just ask Hartford and Columbus.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) flanked by Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), left, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) as they addressed the unpopularity of their replacement bill. AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

How Obamacare has helped poor cancer patients

Poor people who have cancer are one of the most financially vulnerable groups in the US. Obamacare aimed to improve their access to care. A recent study shows how it did.
‘I’m not inviting you to abort, I’m inviting you to decide.’ Can democracy exist if women aren’t recognized as people with full human rights? Rodrigo Garrido/Reuters

In Latin America, is there a link between abortion rights and democracy?

Seventy-five percent of all abortions in Latin America are illicit. In Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador, where abortion is totally illegal, the bans correlate with a generalized failure of the rule of law.
TVA Kingston Fossil Plant in Tennessee, site of a 1.1 billion gallon spill of coal ash slurry in 2008, photographed on March 28, 2012. Appalachian Voices

Trump’s policies will harm coal-dependent communities instead of helping them

Rural development experts say the best way to help coal communities by is investing in people, infrastructure and a clean environment. Instead, President Trump’s budget cuts programs in these areas.
Most people don’t know what they’re agreeing to. Micolas/

Nobody reads privacy policies – here’s how to fix that

Consumers can’t read, understand or use information in companies’ privacy policies. So they end up less informed and less protected than they’d like to be. New research shows a better way.
A U.S. soldier fires a Colt M16 in Vietnam in 1967. U.S. Army

How the US government created and coddled the gun industry

While advocates of gun control may feel powerless in the wake of mass shootings like the one in Las Vegas, the history of government support for the industry shows Americans have more sway than they think.