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A Kansas voter prepares to cast her ballot – and prove her identity – in the 2014 midterm elections. AP Photo/Charlie Riedel

Kris Kobach and Kansas’ SAFE Act

As Kansas’ secretary of state, Kobach drafted the nation’s most restrictive voter ID law.
Relatively few low-income Americans are getting welfare payments these days. Christine Hoi/

The bigotry baked into welfare cuts

Misleading stereotypes help explain why the share of families living in poverty who benefit from a core assistance program has plummeted – and why Trump wants new cuts.
Planning is important for any teen on their way to college – but for those with disabilities, it’s absolutely imperative. NCVO London

Helping your student with disabilities prepare for the future

Numerous measures are in place to help young disabled children thrive, but the transition beyond school can be a difficult one. Here are some tips for families to help their children prepare for life beyond.
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) returned to the Capitol July 25 to cast what was a tie-breaking vote to proceed to debate a bill to repeal Obamacare. AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Glioblastoma, a formidable foe, faces a ‘reservoir of resilience’ in McCain

A diagnosis of glioblastoma did not keep John McCain from the Capitol to cast a crucial vote that could end Obamacare. His actions are a reminder that stats are one thing but human beings, another.
Costs of transportation and accessibility are just two factors that increase cost of living for persons with disabilities. Corepics VOF/

The hidden extra costs of living with a disability

Depending on where you live, having a disability can cost thousands of additional dollars per year. Government programs often don’t account for that.
Though challenges like dyslexia can make learning difficult, these disabilities shouldn’t define who you are – or what you can do. Tim Kwee

Learning disabilities do not define us

The story of a six-year-old boy with dyslexia who, with support from friends and teachers, became a successful professor. Now he teaches teachers how to help children like him.
Whether you have a physical disability, mental illness or learning challenge, there are strategies to help you earn your degree. Stocksnap

How to succeed in college with a disability

For many disabled students, college is the first time that they’re put to the test of making their own way. The experience can be challenging, but there are strategies to help ease the way.
Americans make charitable donations for many reasons. Andrey_Popov/

What influences American giving?

Economic trends, not politics, typically influence how money money Americans donate to charity. Yet some advocacy groups say their donations surged after the 2016 presidential election.
When school gets tough, do you think it’s worthwhile? Or time to give up? Pavlin Plamenov Petkov/

Do challenges make school seem impossible or worthwhile?

A high school science test, a Psych 101 course, long job applications: Sometimes it’s hard to be motivated to succeed. As it turns out, how you respond to difficulty and ease can make all the difference.
The cells inside this bioreactor are the real pharmaceutical factories. Sanofi Pasteur

Biologics: The pricey drugs transforming medicine

Rather than being designed by chemists, this class of pharmaceuticals is produced by living cells. Here’s where they come from and how they work.
The ADA helped make college possible for disabled students like freshman Christopher Rhoades. AP Photo/Chris O'Meara

Fulfilling the promise of the Americans with Disabilities Act

The Americans with Disabilities Act turns 27 this year. But true equality is still out of reach for many – and it’s everyone’s responsibility to fulfill the promise of the law.
Scientists provide key input to government agencies on issues such as improving oil spill prevention and response after the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster. U.S. Coast Guard

History shows that stacking federal science advisory committees doesn’t work

Can federal agencies stack advisory panels with friendly members? Some have tried, but a scientist who has advised many administrations says they will produce bad policies that lack broad support.
Mitch McConnell has a majority in the Senate – but his mission to push President Trump’s legislative agenda has been far from easy. Reuters/Carlos Barria

Mitch McConnell, the president’s man in the Senate

Why would McConnell push a vote to repeal Obamacare when he knows it won’t pass? It’s not as crazy as it sounds.