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More women than men avoid sex, but the reasons for both genders vary. PKPix/

Who’s avoiding sex, and why

Sex is an important part of life, but many people avoid it. Fear, former abuse and religion are common reasons, but you may be surprised to know how your overall health also leads to avoidance.
Members of Patriotic Millionaires, whose privileged members advocate for higher taxes on the rich, met with lawmakers in this 2015 photo to discuss legislation to close the carried interest loophole. Senate Democrats

How some rich people are trying to dismantle inequality

When the wealthy become unlikely allies in the fight against inequality, they often take similar steps. It all starts with acknowledging their own privileges.
Muslim women hold signs to express opposition to hate crimes and rhetoric. AP Photo/Seth Wenig

Explaining the rise in hate crimes against Muslims in the US

FBI data show that in 2015 anti-Muslim hate crimes spiked to the highest level since 2001. A scholar finds political rhetoric correlates to both sharp increases and decreases in hate crime.
Is this an impostor trying to break into your phone with his voice? Georgejmclittle/

Protecting your smartphone from voice impersonators

You can log in to your smartphone by talking to it. Current security systems don’t protect enough against imitators. The best way to ensure voice authentication is secure is to start with the sound.
A FARC member waves a white peace flag to commemorate the completion of their disarmament. AP Photo/Fernando Vergara

Engaging Colombia’s students may be key to long-term peace

Ending violence is only a first step. Research from Colombian universities sheds light on the role of education in peace-building.
A red fox listening for prey under the snow in Yellowstone National Park. Noise can affect foxes and other animals that rely on their hearing when they hunt. Neal Herbert/NPS

Human noise pollution is disrupting parks and wild places

A recent study finds that noise from human activities is intruding into many parks and other protected areas. Creating quiet zones and noise corridors can help reduce impacts from noise pollution.
Who’s collecting your data, and what are they using your data for? Brian A. Jackson/

The real costs of cheap surveillance

What governments and companies think they know about us – whether or not it’s accurate – has real power over our actual lives.
Health care personnel in all hospitals work hard to provide first-rate care, but academic hospitals carry an added responsibility. Some have questioned whether that dilutes clinical care. gpointstudios/

As academic hospitals lower mortality rates, should insurers reconsider excluding them?

Many academic medical centers are facing increasing financial pressure as insurers create so-called narrow networks, but a recent study of mortality data may lead insurers to reconsider.