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Federal computer systems are under near-constant attack from hackers and cyberthieves. Is our information protected well enough? Colin

Why the IRS was just hacked – again – and what the feds can do about it

Federal networks need stronger cybersecurity measures than most organizations, but have not yet gotten the budget or staffing commitments that would protect them properly.
Justice scale and flag. St. Louis Circuit Attorney's Office/Wikimedia

Will anyone be prosecuted in the Flint water crisis?

Many observers have called for criminal prosecutions in Flint, Michigan’s water crisis. A law professor with experience in federal and state government reviews the laws that may have been broken.
A sales clerk exhales vapor while smoking with a vaporizer during a wait for customers at the e-cigarette shop Henley Vaporium in New York. Lucas Jackson/Reuters

Could FDA e-cigarette regulations help more people quit smoking?

Federal officials could give the FDA authority to develop e-cigarette regulations. But developing regulations that maximize their benefits and minimize their risks is harder than it looks.
Obama has some difficult steps to climb to appoint a justice to replace Antonin Scalia. REUTERS/Carlos Barria

Four steps to appointing a Supreme Court justice

There are just four steps to appointing a Supreme Court justice – but that’s not to say it’s going to be an easy process for Obama.
Ted Cruz speaks at a rally in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Randall Hill/Reuters

Ted Cruz’s linguistic chutzpah

Is ‘chutzpah’ actually – as Ted Cruz claimed – a New York word? And what’s with the candidate’s insistence on distancing himself from New York City?