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They have to learn it somewhere. Students via

College students go online to learn about sex

When students land on campus, they often have unanswered questions about their reproductive health. One solution: create a massive open online class to teach them about reproductive health.
Polio vaccinators carry boxes of polio vaccine drops as they head to the areas they have been appointed to administer the vaccine, in Karachi October 21 2014. Akhtar Soomro/Reuters

Could a smartphone app help stop the next polio outbreak in Pakistan?

Researchers are piloting a smartphone app to collect better information about who is getting vaccinated and to design better incentives for health workers on vaccination drives.
The therapeutic relationship can be as important as the type of therapy. In this photo, occupational therapist Carly Rogers (second from left) talks to military veterans at the surf therapy program she founded, in Manhattan Beach, California. Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

Does psychotherapy research with trauma survivors underestimate the patient-therapist relationship?

While evidence suggests that the therapeutic relationship is a critical part of psychotherapy, the impact of the relationship often isn’t studied in clinical trials for trauma survivors with PTSD.
Even if Exxon eludes charges in New York, the attorney general’s investigation sends a message on corporate accountability. mortaupat/flickr

In targeting Exxon on climate, New York puts all corporations on notice

Until now, the legal system has tolerated corporate deceptions of the public but New York state’s investigation into Exxon on climate could start to rewrite the rules.
US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter observes the destroyer USS Lassen in the South China Sea. US Navy

US and Chinese tempers rise in the South China Sea

By sailing a destroyer close to an artificial island in the South China Sea, the US is challenging China’s claim to the waterway. At stake are trade routes worth billions of dollars.
Traditional nonprofits help ensure aid gets to ‘hidden’ populations like the homeless. Reuters

Why the world still needs nonprofits

Giving cash directly to the needy is a growing trend, but in most cases it’s not nearly as effective funneling donations through a charity with ‘boots on the ground.’