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Justin Trudeau displaced Stephen Harper, an avowed friend of the fossil fuel industry, as Canada’s prime minister. Chris Wattie/Reuters

Is lagging on climate change a political liability?

Two politicians known to oppose action on climate change – Canada’s Stephen Harper and Australia’s Tony Abbott – have been displaced. What does this say about climate as a voter issue?
Aluminum cans are among the most valuable items to recycle. ableman/flickr

Are we recycling too much of our trash?

As municipalities push for more recycling, one study of Japan found that low rates deliver the most benefits and that certain materials, notably aluminum and paper, are most valuable.
There’s a reason they call them ‘impulse purchases.’ frankieleon/Flickr

The dark side of free markets

While free markets have delivered benefits, they also prey on our weaknesses, tempting us to buy things that are bad for us, be it sweet candy or sour investments.
How much do hiring decisions in academia factor in the gender of the applicant? Files image via

Women preferred for STEM professorships – as long as they’re equal to or better than male candidates

Previous research found a preference in academia for hiring stellar female candidates over stellar male candidates for STEM jobs. A new study investigated what happens if applicants aren’t as evenly matched.

We’re hiring!

We have openings for a Science and Technology Editor as well as a manager of a Knight Foundation-funded project.
Mothers will often distance themselves from their adult children for the same set of reasons. 'Scissors' via

Why do some moms cut ties with their kids?

The severing of what many consider an everlasting bond is more common than you’d think.