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Articles on Alcohol

Displaying 221 - 240 of 532 articles

As cannabis is legalized in Canada and parts of the United States, it’s worth looking back on the public health impact of the repeal of Prohibition laws in the United States. Grav/Unsplash

Legalizing once-illicit substances can have a public health impact

As cannabis is legalized in Canada and parts of the United States, it’s worth looking back on the public health impact of the repeal of alcohol Prohibition in the U.S.
The UK is believed to have one of the highest rates of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome in the world. shutterstock

The problem of drinking in pregnancy – and what to do about it

The UK is lagging behind the rest of the world when it comes to preventing harm caused by drinking during pregnancy.
Approximately 11 per cent of Canadian mothers report consuming alcohol during pregnancy, which can cause fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) in their children. (Shutterstock)

The truth about fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

With an estimated prevalence of four per cent, fetal alcohol syndrome disorder (FASD) is more common than autism. And yet is it surrounded by myth and stigma.
Getting a good dose of nature can boost your mental health. Marion Michelle

Five lifestyle changes to enhance your mood and mental health

Beyond medication and psychological treatments, there are steps all of us can take to alleviate stress, improve our mood and take care of our mental health. Here are five to get you started.
The revelry that comes with college football comes with a serious social cost. Sergey Nivens/

Big game days in college football linked with sexual assault

Reports of sexual assault increase by as much as 41 percent when the local college football team plays, according to researchers who say the increase is related to the drinking culture on campus.

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