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Articles on Archaeology

Displaying 181 - 200 of 499 articles

Museums across the U.S., including at Harvard University, collected human remains, which were often displayed to the public. Smith Collection/Gado/Archive Photos via Getty Images

US museums hold the remains of thousands of Black people

Proposed legislation would identify and protect African American cemeteries. But it wouldn’t cover the remains of thousands of Black people in museum collections.
Divers excavate a shallow water submerged Mesolithic midden off the island of Hjarnø, Denmark. J. Benjamin.

Ancient undersea middens offer clues about life before rising seas engulfed the coast. Now we have a better way to study them

Undersea shell middens contain important clues about the past - what people ate, who they were interacting with and how the climate was changing. Now we have a better way to detect and excavate them.
Israel Antiquities Authority conservator Tanya Bitler shows newly discovered Dead Sea Scroll fragments at the Dead Sea Scrolls conservation lab in Jerusalem. AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner

Cave of Horror: fresh fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls echo dramatic human stories

What’s fascinating about the latest Dead Sea Scrolls discovery is how it reflects the stories of those who wrote the ancient texts, those who kept them safe and the archaeologists who found them.
The main chamber of Cloggs Cave. Monash University archaeologist Joe Crouch is standing in the 1970s excavation pit, digging a new area in the wall of the old excavation. Bruno David

Magic, culture and stalactites: how Aboriginal perspectives are transforming archaeological histories

Two starkly different research projects at East Gippsland’s Cloggs Cave, 50 years apart, show the importance of Indigenous perspectives in archaeology.
A variety of clues can tip off archaeologists about a promising spot for excavation. Gabriel Wrobel

How do archaeologists know where to dig?

Archaeologists used to dig primarily at sites that were easy to find thanks to obvious visual clues. But technology – and listening to local people – plays a much bigger role now.
Djenj Project Gunbalanya School Trip. L-R Leeanna Namarnyilk, Diondre Cooper, Hayley Brinjin, Dionica Cooper, Morgan Disspain, Imogen Mangiru, Sharni Dirdi. Lynley Wallis

School of fish: how we involved Indigenous students in our investigation of a 65,000-year-old site

Archaeologists had some questions about an ancient Aboriginal site. So they involved the community and local school kids on their search for answers.

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