In the Japanese workplace, women face discrimination, restrictive behaviour and appearance codes and a lower glass ceiling than elsewhere. Only a profound cultural shift will change that.
Childbearing goals have remained remarkably consistent over the decades. What has changed is when people start their families and how many kids they end up having.
Economic opportunities, social norms and expanding education and employment options for many women help explain why U.S. fertility has slowed in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Large numbers of young people can represent great economic potential. But this only works if Nigeria can invest in their health and education and new economic opportunities.
The number of births in the US is down 2% – to what the CDC calls ‘the lowest number of births in 32 years.’ This drop brings the US more in line with its peers.
Did you ever consider that human beings might have a breeding season? Birth seasonality exists – and has interesting implications for childhood disease outbreaks.
Do Muslim couples in Australia have ‘on average 4.5 children’ while other couples have ‘1.5 children’? Could Australia have a ‘Muslim majority’ in ‘a couple’ of generations? Let’s check the evidence.
Often emphasised in discussions about children’s best interests is the idea that certain ways of having and raising children are “natural”. For example, this word appears frequently in reference to how…