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Articles on Boko Haram

Displaying 141 - 160 of 162 articles

Almost half-a-million newly displaced people have in the past year followed the two million who took refuge in camps after violence erupted in Darfur in 2003. EPA/Olivier Chassot/UNAMID

Retreating from Darfur? A decade on, spectre of atrocities returns

News media have been reporting widespread atrocities by Boko Haram against as many as 2000 civilians in Nigeria. But a similar escalation of violence in Darfur, Sudan, over the past two months has been…
The well-respected Chadian military has entered Cameroon. EPA

At last, a show of force tips odds against Boko Haram

Suspected Boko Haram militants have attacked Northern Cameroon in another escalation of their now regional war against Nigeria, Cameron, Chad and Niger. In a cross-border attack, the militants kidnapped…
Scene of an earlier clash between government and Boko Haram forces. EPA/Deji Yake

Baga devastated: a horror story, however many people died

The recent fall of the town of Baga, north-eastern Nigeria, to Boko Haram is one of the militant group’s most serious assaults against the Nigerian state. The consequences are severe: it claims heavy civilian…
A child is vaccinated against polio during a three-day nationwide campaign to eradicate polio, in Karachi, Pakistan, May 2014. EPA/SHAHZAIB AKBER

CIA stops fake vaccination programs, but will it matter?

The US government has told a group of local health educators that it will no longer use immunisation programs as a cover for espionage. But the damage from previous such programs is difficult to undo…
Is anyone really listening? EPA/Dai Kurokawa

Boko Haram and the state of failure in Nigeria

Earlier this month, Nigeria marked a most unwelcome anniversary; a year of special measures in the three northern states of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe. Located in the north east corner of the country, snug…
Boko Haram’s recent kidnapping of hundreds of Nigerian schoolgirls is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Africa’s slavery crisis. EPA/Ruth McDowall

Behind the Boko Haram headlines, slavery in Africa is the real crisis

The mass kidnapping of schoolgirls by terrorist group Boko Haram in Nigeria is neither a new nor rare occurrence, though this does not make it any less shocking. Boko Haram has been active in Nigeria for…

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