Caesarean section births are often thought to be safer. In fact they disrupt the natural bond between mother and baby and can interrupt brain development.
If you feel burping is helpful to your baby, then keep doing what you’re doing. If trying to burp your baby after every feed is stressing you or your baby out, then you don’t have to keep doing it.
Some states, especially in the Southeastern US, have large disparities in breastfeeding among racial groups, making clear the need to lower barriers for breastfeeding in the workplace and elsewhere.
The report of the Women’s Economic Equality Taskforce mentions birth only twice, and breastfeeding not at all. Yet, properly valued, breastmilk contributes $154 per litre to the Australian economy.
Cecília Tomori, Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing
Around the globe, 823,000 child deaths could be prevented annually with appropriate breastfeeding. Formula makers continue to defy a 40-year-old international code on marketing their product.
In an act of ‘mummy-shaming’ to rival anything today’s internet has to offer, Queen Victoria is thought to have named a cow in the royal dairy after her daughter, who had decided to breastfeed.