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Articles on Cities

Displaying 901 - 920 of 1529 articles

The secure private garden on the redeveloped Carlton estate. Kate Shaw

Why should the state wriggle out of providing public housing?

Why can’t the state fund an ongoing program of upgrading, replacing and building public housing? On the evidence to date, private developers aren’t doing a better job of it.
A stroll through Sydney’s Marks Park and the nearby tourist attraction Sculptures by the Sea is a different experience if one knows the area’s brutal history. Leah-Anne Thompson from

Psychogeography: a way to delve into the soul of a city

Wandering the city by foot helps us look beneath ordinary conceptions of the face value of a place to the meanings built up and lost over time.
Fresh Air host Mark Stucky of Newton, Kansas shook hands with Thomas Flowers from Gulfport, Mississippi, as Doris Zerger Stucky – Mark’s mother – watched in this 1960 photo. Mennonite Library & Archives, Bethel, Kansas

The Fresh Air Fund’s complicated racial record

Many urban children who took part in a program that was supposed to enrich their lives dealt with racism instead. Why can’t this cultural exchange become a two-way street?
The closure of the Gatwick Hotel means those most in need of shelter have lost another place they could stay. Darkydoors from

Goodbye to the Gatwick, and to so much of the old St Kilda

When wealth accumulation becomes the driver of urban regeneration, residents who already have little or no say in the future of our cities are further marginalised by gentrification.
A partial map of all the cities which pledge to fight climate change, with or without Donald Trump. Global Convenant of Mayors/Google Earth

How world cities moving forward on climate change leave the US President behind

Weeks after Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris agreement, powerful US cities are asserting themselves like nation-states to maintain the pact made with the world to help save the planet.
Our land-title system originated in the mid-19th century when Sir Robert Richard Torrens campaigned to reform Adelaide’s chaotic deeds-based land system. National Library of Australia

Torrens, our land-title pioneer, might have approved of privatised registries

Sir Robert Richard Torrens – the man behind Australia’s ‘Torrens system’ of land-title registration – was an economic liberal who might have approved of privatising title registries.
Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck, left, and Mayor Eric Garcetti pose next to an all-electric car in this 2015 photo. AP Photo/Nick Ut

Cities can jump-start climate progress by plugging in their vehicles

More than 200 mayors have committed their cities to stick with the Paris climate deal no matter what the US does. Electric vehicles offer a promising route to making good on that pledge.
How truly innovative are companies like Uber and Airbnb, super-monopolies that capture entire markets by locking vendors and customers into their platforms? Dan Peled/AAP

In defence of serendipity: the Silicon Emperor is wearing no clothes

The digital pin-ups’ business models actually inhibit serendipity and, indeed, innovation by absorbing entire markets into the sealed-off space of their platforms.
When the smart city looks inhuman: a robot police officer from Dubai greets guests at last November’s Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona. Ramon Costa/AAP

Creative city, smart city … whose city is it?

The corporate world has taken the lead in promoting various creative/smart city visions, which struggle to be inclusive, let alone entrust citizens with control over their lives.
Bicycles are the main form of transport around the Burning Man Festival and are recycled or gifted afterwards. stuartlchambers/flickr

There’s a city in my mind …

The annual Burning Man Festival creates a temporary city in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert. In many ways, it’s an innovation lab for rethinking cities.

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