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Articles on Climate change

Displaying 2481 - 2500 of 6972 articles

The $1 trillion bill was a heavy lift for Speaker Nancy Pelosi (center). Next up: the budget reconciliation bill known as Build Back Better. Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Congress passes $1T infrastructure bill – but how does the government go about spending that much money?

The government uses a process called public procurement. A professor of public policy explains how the process works and how it is increasingly used to achieve social goals.
Climate finance can help developing countries cut their emissions. Prashanth Vishwanathan (IWMI) / flickr

Climate finance: it’ll be cheaper in the long run if poorer countries receive it as a matter of urgency

Early investments generate rapid cost reductions, while further delay simply slows innovation and compounds the climate crisis.
Companies’ net-zero pledges count on vast expanses of forest to hold carbon so they can continue emitting. AFP via Getty Images

Forests can’t handle all the net-zero emissions plans – companies and countries expect nature to offset too much carbon

Yes, trees and soils can absorb and store carbon, but the carbon doesn’t stay stored forever. That’s one of the problems with how net-zero plans for the climate are being designed.
Claudio Furlan/AP/AAP

The climate crisis gives science a new role. Here’s how research ethics must change too

Research ethics focus on avoiding wrongdoing, having been developed largely in response to biomedical scandals. Climate change puts the onus on researchers to add ‘do good’ to ‘do no harm’ principles.

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