Wyn Grant
Professor of Politics, University of Warwick
Robert Ackrill
Professor of European Economics and Policy, Nottingham Trent University
Viviane Gravey
Lecturer in European Politics, Queen's University Belfast
Murray Scown
Associate Senior Lecturer in Geography, Lund University
Andris Piebalgs
Part-time Professor, Florence School of Regulation, European University Institute
Margaret Couvillon
Research Fellow, Associate Tutor in Life Sciences, University of Sussex
Maria Olczak
PhD Candidate, School of Engineering and Materials Science, Queen Mary University of London
Roger Schürch
Research Fellow, Virginia Tech
Jonathan Perraton
Senior Lecturer in Economics, University of Sheffield
Rachell Li
Assistant researcher, University of Sydney
Judith Tsouvalis
Senior research associate, Lancaster University
Paul Balcombe
Senior Lecturer in Chemical Engineering and Renewable Energy, Queen Mary University of London
Sandrine Benoist
Enseignante-chercheuse, Université d'Orléans, IAE Orléans
Richard Gregory
Honorary Professor of Genetics, Evolution & Environment, UCL
Alana Mann
Senior Lecturer, Department of Media and Communications, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Sydney