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Articles on Diabetes

Displaying 241 - 260 of 392 articles

Sugar activates the same brain system as drugs such as nicotine and cocaine, meaning consuming it is a behaviour we want to repeat. from

Fact or fiction – is sugar addictive?

If you’ve ever tried to cut back on sugar, you may have realised how incredibly difficult it is. This leads to the question: can you be addicted to sugar?
Sitting down at work all day may not be so bad for you after all. How did we get it so wrong? from

Why sitting is not the ‘new smoking’

New research shows not all sitting is bad for our health, so long as you’re active at other times of the day.
Mary Tyler Moore testified before Senate in 2009 about juvenile diabetes. Susan Walsh/AP

Mary Tyler Moore’s death a reminder of the toll of diabetes

Diabetes kills more people than breast cancer and AIDS, and Mary Tyler Moore was a fierce advocate for research to combat the disease. Here is why it’s important to know if you are prediabetic.
We experience lots of changes in our body as we age, and our eyes and ears are no exception. Unfortunately this toys with our senses. from

Why we lose our hearing and vision as we age

Changes to our eyes and ears occur as a result of disease, genetic factors, “wear and tear” and environmental factors.
Scurvy was common in sailors on long voyages who were deprived of citrus fruit and vegetables. from

Explainer: what is scurvy and is it making a comeback?

Scurvy is a historical disease caused by severe and chronic deficiency of vitamin C. Its recent reemergence is a poor reflection of the nation’s diet.
Early detection and treatment of diabetes can be life-saving, but prevention by adopting healthier diets and lifestyle is even better. Mario Anzuoni/Reuters

How South Africa can beat its sugar-fuelled diabetes epidemic

Being able to buy processed “food-like” products is often seen as a mark of personal and material success. Little attention is paid to having a healthy diet.
New research shows a high BMI in mothers before pregnancy may impact the health of their child. Jessica Pankratz/Flickr

Babies born to overweight mothers more likely to get age-related diseases sooner

Overweight women have a higher risk of delivering biologically older babies who are are more susceptible to age-related conditions such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes in later life.
Ghanaian cancer specialists examine a patient’s scan. Reuters/Olivier Asselin

Africa needs a fresh approach to ‘lifestyle’ diseases research

So-called lifestyle diseases such as cancer and heart disease have been rising in Africa, adding to the already huge burden of disease in poor countries. But the research has not kept pace.
Metformin was originally developed from natural compounds found in the plant known as French lilac. Vlad Proklov/Flickr

Weekly Dose: metformin, the diabetes drug developed from French lilac

Metformin has been used to treat diabetes since the late 1950s. It is now on the World Health Organisation’s List of Essential Medicines needed for a basic health care system.

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