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Articles on Digital literacy

Displaying 41 - 51 of 51 articles

It’s not just about getting a job. David Parry/PA Wire

Coding classes should bring in everyone, not just children

The US and UK governments often mirror each other’s strategies when it comes to new education policies, and the recent introduction of coding into the school curriculum is no exception. From this September…
It’s like Shakespeare to me. Child wide code, ollyy via Shutterstock

The computing curriculum: what every child should know

Ask a parent what a school should teach and they’ll tell you, “When my child leaves school, I want them to be able to understand money, to work well with others, go to university or to get a good job…
Do we know where to find the most credible information in an age of digital literacy? Shutterstock

Navigating the online information maze: should students trust Wikipedia?

Being literate used to be about knowing how to read. In the 21st century it also means knowing how to negotiate through the torrent of information coming at you from all directions. Information Fatigue…
Students born in the Information Age are digital natives, but in an already crowded curriculum, where will technology subjects stand? Lupuca/Flickr

Connecting to Australia’s first digital technology curriculum

Australia finally has its first digital technology curriculum which is mandatory for all Australian children from Foundation, the name replacing kindergarten, to Year 8. The Technologies area now has two…
Not just for games. flickingerbrad

Backlash against computing curriculum misses the point

Computing is an important subject, but it is only one of many that schools have to teach, and few would argue that it is more important than English, maths, or science. But as a high-profile debate continues…

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