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Articles on Drought

Displaying 601 - 616 of 616 articles

The climate system operates with a range of discrete modes. Patrick Hoesly

Explainer: climate modes and drought

While most people now understand that the enhanced greenhouse effect means a much warmer planet, communicating regional shifts in weather remains a significant challenge. As with most complex science…
Scientists’ job is to brief us on how future climate might affect our lives, even when all the data isn’t in. Rae Allen

Droughts & flooding rains: what is due to climate change?

While most people now understand that the enhanced greenhouse effect means a much warmer planet, communicating regional shifts in weather remains a significant challenge. As with most complex science…
Rain’s coming: does that mean there’s no such thing as climate change? Georgie Sharp

A land of (more extreme) droughts and flooding rains?

While most people now understand that the enhanced greenhouse effect means a much warmer planet, communicating regional shifts in weather remains a significant challenge. As with most complex science…
The floods that engulfed Sydney on March 8 this year are expected to become a more common occurrence. AAP/Paul Miller

Floods and heatwaves to increase across NSW

Rising sea levels could threaten up to 60,000 houses, 1200 commercial buildings and 250 kilometres of highway in NSW by the end of the century, a report by the federal government’s Climate Commission says…
Some parts of Australia will experience more drought, while others will receive heavy rainfall. AAP/Dave Hunt

As Australia lurches from drought to floods, temperatures continue to rise

Greenhouse gases have increased at more than 3% a year for the past decade to reach their highest level in 800,000 years, according to the latest summary of Australia’s long term climate trends by CSIRO…
When it comes to weather, scientists and the media have different understandings of risk. Ameel Khan

Spinning uncertainty? The IPCC extreme weather report and the media

The “reasonable person” would agree that disaster risk is best avoided. Under a changing climate, how exposed people are to risk and how socially and physically vulnerable they are affects how often disasters…
The East African drought is one of the area’s worst in 60 years. AAP

From Kenya to Texas: recent climate extremes around the world

2010 was the world’s hottest year on record, with global temperatures 0.53°C above the long-term (1961-1990) average. 2011 started with a strong La Niña (perhaps the strongest since 1917), something which…
The humanitarian crisis in the Horn continues to escalate. EPA/DAI KUROKAWA

From fear to famine: the politics of hunger in the Horn of Africa

While droughts are caused by weather – the failure of the rains – famines are invariably political. The current famine in southern Somalia should have come as no surprise. Aid agencies have been warning…

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