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Articles on Egypt

Displaying 281 - 300 of 306 articles

Thousands are dead and tens of thousands injured after three months of devastation in Egypt. Mohamed Azazy

Egypt needs a proper roadmap to get through this crisis

The release from prison today of Hosni Mubarak, the former strongman whose downfall in 2011 was hailed as the start of the Arab Spring in Egypt, could be the moment at which the counter-revolution has…
Morsi supporters after the savage crackdown. Wikimedia Commons

Egyptians pay for democracy in blood

The violent deaths of hundreds and the injury of thousands of peaceful pro-democracy protesters in a few short hours yesterday is tragic. What is the more tragic is that it could have been avoided. In…
Happier times: Catherine Ashton meets Mohamed Morsi after his election as Egypt’s president. European External Action Service

Mixed messages from the EU won’t help solve Egypt’s crisis

The stand-off in Egypt continues. A sit in by supporters of deposed president Mohamed Morsi has been put on notice that they will be cleared out by force if necessary. The protesters for their part have…
Morsi still commands considerable support. Jonathan Rashad

Raising the stakes on the streets of Egypt

As the world holds its breath, hundreds of thousands - maybe millions - of protestors will take to the streets of Egypt’s big cities today in what has been widely billed in the international media as a…
Intimidated: many women feel they have been targeted to drive them out of the political arena. Lorenz Khazaleh via Creative Commons

Sexual violence aims to drive women out of Egyptian politics

Violence against female protesters was a terrifying hallmark of the unrest that led to the fall of the Morsi government. Local NGOs documented more than 100 reports of sexual violence, including rape…
‘One hand’: Once again it is the military which is calling the shots in Egypt. Zeinab Mohamed via Creative Commons

No change without trauma in Middle East’s political logjam

In the past four weeks, a major political earthquake seems to have hit the Middle East, where three key regional constituencies: Iran, Qatar and Egypt, experienced more or less unexpected changes of leadership…
In control: army tanks outside the Ministry of Defence, Cairo, June 2012. iPolitics via Creative Commons

‘One hand’, many heads: the role of the army in Egypt

In the wake of the shooting of at least 51 supporters of former president Muhammad Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party is calling for a popular uprising against the generals that…
Some Egyptians protest, some just hope for a better life. TiTaN Jad

Egyptians soldier on as Cairo wakes to a post-coup world

When I took a walk past Cairo University this morning, the tanks were still there, while the Islamist camp were continuing their sit-in, though with strongly reduced numbers. At around 5.30pm the night…
Gathering storm: today’s well-equipped rebel carries an iPad. Mohamed Azazy/Flickr

Egypt uprising: much more than just a ‘Twitter revolt’

These days all you need to be a revolutionary is a mobile phone and a grievance. Some see what is happening on the streets of Cairo as the ultimate expression of democracy - millions of people using social…
Mubarak’s demise may not mean the end of his regime for Egypt. EPA

Farewell Mubarak? Death, power and politics in Egypt

Symbols are important, but often deceiving. This is certainly the case of Hosni Mubarak, whose inexorable decline acted as a metronome for the Egyptian political crisis. In early 2011, Mubarak’s political…
Muslim democrat Mohammed Morsi with protesters following the Mubarak verdict last weekend. EPA

The irresistible rise of Muslim democrats in the Middle East

Whatever the outcome of the Egyptian presidential runoff scheduled for 16-17 June, Middle Eastern electoral politics are now conforming to a remarkable rule. When elections are held in a free and fair…
The field is varied and the stakes are high in Egypt’s upcoming presidential election. EPA/Khaled Elfiqi

Sheikhs and generals face off in a battle for Egypt’s soul

In the face of the largest mobilisation Egypt has ever witnessed, President Hosni Mubarak stepped down on February 12, 2011. Facing an unlikely coalition of disaffected youth, labour workers, Islamists…
Egypt takes its first steps towards democracy but it’s not in the way many were hoping for. EPA/Amel Pain

The rise of Islamist parties in Egypt’s elections

After the overthrowing of dictator Hosni Mubarak, Egypt has had its first round of parliamentary elections, with two parties dominating the vote – the moderate Muslim Brotherhood and the religious conservative…
Protestor in Cairo’s Tahrir Square behind a flaming barricade. AAP/Mohamed Omar

Egypt: the Arab Spring 2.0

Recent days have seen a return to Cairo’s Tahrir Square by thousands of Egyptians concerned by what they see as a delay by the ruling military council in implement full democracy in Egypt. With reports…
We need to make sure quality is more important than quantity in our online engagement. Flickr/

Democracy drowned out by social media noise: bigger isn’t better online

Social media provokes some of the most voluminous and heated responses in two key areas of contemporary society – democracy and privacy. Promoting the first and threatening the second, social media is…
Coptic Christians have long been discriminated against in Egypt, but the violence against them, and the government response to it, signals concerns for democracy in the country. EPA/Mohamed Omar

Democracy in peril: Egypt’s handling of Coptic unrest

The violence in Egypt involving Coptic demonstrators, military units and unidentified thugs shocked the country and rang alarms about prospects for transition to democracy. Egypt is going through a revolution…

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