Conviction means popular opposition figure Ekrem Imamoglu is barred from running for office. It comes as incumbent president Recep Tayyip Erdogan faces dwindling support.
Weaknesses in the law governing how elections are run and votes counted in Congress led to the Jan. 6 insurrection. An election law scholar analyzes legislation just passed to fix those problems.
Despite a midterm election largely free of controversy over its legitimacy, a large percentage of Americans distrust elections. And that’s dangerous for democracy.
The 2022 federal election success of the teals and other community independents has been captured in three new books. How and why did they become a political force – and what might the future hold?
After 40 years in office, Cameroon’s 89 year old Paul Biya is the second longest serving leader in Africa. He is already eyeing another contest in 2025.
Celebrity politicians have instant name recognition. But unless they trump competitors in fundraising, and hit other check boxes, they aren’t any more likely to win than traditional politicians.
What’s it like for an election law scholar to work at a polling place on Election Day? A law school professor sees how election laws work – or keep election workers guessing – at the ground level.
While TV political ads might seem old-fashioned in the age of social media, research shows that this kind of advertising does win votes – and could influence the upcoming midterms.
Voter demographics and policy priorities are two recurrent, big issues on Election Day – but shifts in election administration and voting laws are new challenges influencing the midterms.
‘I don’t like the candidates,’ ‘I don’t know enough to make a decision,’ ‘I don’t want to give this election legitimacy’ – an ethicist takes on nonvoters.
It’s Election Day, you go to vote – and you’re told you’re not registered or you’re not eligible to vote. A civil rights lawyer provides a guide so voters can know their rights to cast a ballot.