Why is it all about mom? Fathers want to be more involved in their children’s lives, but are limited by public policy and social institutions. This is a bad deal for dads, kids and moms alike.
Rae Kaspiew, Australian Institute of Family Studies
Separating couples who use the family law system generally have a positive experience - but for a troubled minority, there is still much work to be done.
Fall in love, have a baby, watch your happiness and satisfaction plummet. Psychology researchers know the transition to parenthood can be rough on relationships.
Gay fathers often operate outside traditional gender roles and provide a model of “conscious parenting” that could offer some important lessons to heterosexual partnerships.
Feeling guilty and out of your depth as a parent? You’re not alone – and there are ways to turn the guilt you’re feeling into positive changes for your family.
Adrian Jaeggi, University of California, Santa Barbara and Ben Trumble, University of California, Santa Barbara
Levels of a male sex hormone known to influence aggression and a “love” hormone that promotes bonding both rise in traditional hunters headed home after the kill. What’s going on?
According to NatCen research, British fathers are among the worst in Europe at making time for their families. Spending huge amounts of time at work is seen as a sign of discipline and commitment, while…
Since the 1970s, family life in the UK has changed dramatically. Increases in relationship breakdown, remarriage and repartnering have seen us move away from the traditional, two-parent nuclear family…