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Articles on Inequality

Displaying 761 - 780 of 1032 articles

The Flint water crisis was one of the few cases of environment-related social injustices that reached national attention in recent years. AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Will we reverse the little progress we’ve made on environmental justice?

Addressing social and health inequalities from pollution is no longer a priority at the EPA. What did the Office of Environmental Justice do and what will happen if it’s shut down?
Businessmen pass by Occupy Wall Street protesters at New York’s Zuccotti Park in 2011. AP Photo/Kathy Willens

Are the rich more selfish than the rest of us?

The wealthy evade taxes and are less likely to donate to charity, but does this mean they’re more selfish than everyone else? New research suggests not.
Workers walk past a Lonmin Marikana platinum mine, a site that represents industrial strife in South Africa. Reuters/Skyler Reid

How South Africa’s mining industry can change its ways

South Africa’s mining industry is on an unsustainable trajectory and needs to undergo fundamental transformation that emphasises transparency, equity, and community participation.
If a second airport creates another centre of activity in western Sydney, then it won’t just be air travellers who benefit. Stilgherrian/flickr

Our big cities are engines of inequality, so how do we fix that?

Our big cities increase incomes faster than population growth, but most residents miss out on the extra income growth. Creating multiple centres of activity may help make bigger better for everyone.

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