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Articles on Infrastructure

Displaying 201 - 220 of 636 articles

Bendable concrete created at the University of Michigan allows for thinner structures with less need for steel reinforcement. Joseph Xu/University of Michigan College of Engineering

Bendable concrete and other CO2-infused cement mixes could dramatically cut global emissions

Researchers are developing ways to lock captured CO2 into cement. It could help rebuild America’s crumbling infrastructure and deal with climate change at the same time.
The Port of Savannah used to export cotton picked by enslaved laborers and brought from Alabama to Georgia on slave-built railways. Cotton is still a top product processed through this port. Joe Sohm/Visions of America/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Slave-built infrastructure still creates wealth in US, suggesting reparations should cover past harms and current value of slavery

Geographers are documenting slave-built infrastructure, from railroads to ports, in use today. Such work could influence the reparations debate by showing how slavery still props up the US economy.
Artificial intelligence requires machines, processing power and energy consumption, among other things. Often, we’re unaware of the presence of this infrastructure around us. (Shutterstock)

Hidden in plain sight: The infrastructures that support artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is supported by an infrastructure of hardware and software that is growing increasingly present in our lives, yet remains hidden in plain view.
Australia’s dingo fences, built to protect livestock from wild dogs, stretch for thousands of kilometers. Marian Deschain/Wikimedia

Fences have big effects on land and wildlife around the world that are rarely measured

Millions of miles of fences crisscross the Earth’s surface. They divide ecosystems and affect wild species in ways that often are harmful, but are virtually unstudied.
Taylor Vick/Unsplash

How to prevent Internet congestion during the lockdown

Between teleworking, distance learning and the use of social networks, the current period is unusual in our use of the Internet. How does the network work? How to use it well?

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