Our food systems are failing to feed all of us.
In this episode of Don’t Call Me Resilient, we pick apart what is broken and ways to fix it with two women who battle food injustice.
Using an intersectional approach will help bring visibility to diverse disability communities and provide the support they need to be safe, recover and rebuild their lives.
When COVID-19 first appeared, some called it the great equalizer. But the facts quickly revealed a grim reality: COVID-19 disproportionately impacts racialized communities.
The writer and zen priest Reverend angel Kyodo williams speaks about the pain of racism, how she uses meditation to combat it — and become a stronger anti-racist activist in America today.
In this episode of Don’t Call Me Resilient, host Vinita Srivastava and scholar Cheryl Thompson dive into the meaning of the n-word and the 150 years of racism embedded in it.