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Articles on Medicine

Displaying 201 - 220 of 288 articles

Canadian Maude Abbott’s discoveries on pediatric heart defects have saved young lives for decades. It’s time she received proper scientific recognition. (Shutterstock)

Maude Abbott: The Canadian scientist who deserved a Nobel prize

Maude Abbott’s discoveries on pediatric heart defects were groundbreaking, saved countless lives and have stood the test of time for more than 80 years. It’s time she received her due credit.
Clinical trials using immune cells engineered through synthetic biology have been shown to push some patients into remission from blood cancer. from

The synthetic biology revolution is now – here’s what that means

Right now, you’re living in a kind of industrial revolution – where biotechnology, information technology, manufacturing and automation all come together to form synthetic biology.
The failure of TV ads to explain the safety risks of over-the-counter drugs can leave people in the emergency department with liver damage or psychosis. (Shutterstock)

Drug ads leave Canadians in the dark about safety risks

It’s time Health Canada took back the regulation of drug advertising – to protect consumers.
Though examining poop samples scientists working on the American Gut Project are getting a new perspective on the microbes in our guts. By Christos Georghiou/

Studying poop samples, scientists find clues on health and disease

In the largest citizen science experiment to date, 11,336 people sent poop samples to this San Diego lab so that microbiologists could figure out how the microbes in our guts make us healthy or sick.
Eczema, which is common in babies, is itchy and painful. silentalex88/

Applying live bacteria to skin improves eczema

In this clinical trial, the first of its kind, physicians explore whether directly applying a ‘good’ strain of bacteria to the skin can heal eczema
Naloxone is often used to revive people overdosing from opioids. REUTERS/Brian Snyder

Why genetics makes some people more vulnerable to opioid addiction – and protects others

Scientists are just starting to understand how your parents’ genes and experiences might shape your own susceptibility to dangerous drugs. Could that help to stop addictions before they start?
When a pain signal gets to the brain, it lets your brain know there’s a big problem so we can respond. AAP Image/DAN PELED

Curious Kids: How does pain medicine work in the body?

In short, pain medicine is able to block the processes that cause the feeling of pain. To understand why, you need to know a bit about how pain works.

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