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Articles on Men's hidden health conditions

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Erectile dysfunction can cause relationship problems if the man doesn’t share what’s going on in his head. Attila Tsantner/Flickr

Erectile dysfunction often has a psychological basis

Many men experience erectile dysfunction. It might not be an exaggeration to say all men might experience it at some time or another.
Thought by many to be caused by alcohol, a skin condition is actually to blame for bulbous red noses seen on elderly men. Painting by Domenico Ghirlandio, Wikimedia Commons

Why do some old men have big red noses? No, it’s not alcohol

Many people will have seen a middle-aged or elderly man with an abnormally big red nose. Most think of it as synonymous with alcoholism, however it’s a real condition that is not caused by alcohol.
This birth defect has such a stigma because it can be related to having a smaller-than-usual penis. Mike Ault/Flickr

Hypospadias: the cause of penis malformation is still a matter of debate

Hypospadias is a malformation of the penis, present from birth, where the opening of the urethra is misplaced somewhere along the underside of the penis instead of being at the tip.
Stigma is likely exacerbated by our many ‘pink’ campaigns to raise breast cancer awareness and improve outcomes for women.

Breast cancer campaigns might be pink, but men get it too

Although breast cancer is usually seen as a woman’s disease, around 145 Australian men were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015, and around 25 died from it.
Most people think only women get postnatal depression. James Garcia/upsplash

Dads get postnatal depression too

It will come as no surprise that some new fathers will be anxious or highly stressed. However, most people believe only new mums suffer postnatal depression. This is not the case.

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