Record-breaking winter warmth has been felt across large parts of Australia, with more to come in coming days. A climate scientist explains what’s going on.
Authorities have issued warnings for people in parts of Western Australia to avoid mosquito bites after Murray Valley encephalitis virus was detected in local mosquitoes. Here’s what you need to know.
New research shows turning northern rivers inland to irrigate Australia’s dry interior would not increase rainfall. This is another argument against the Bradfield scheme.
Hungry for development and industry investment, the Northern Territory government is putting one of the world’s last intact tropical ecosystems at risk. Scientists are calling for better protections.
A heatwave across northern Australia comes as a shock to the system. The impacts of heat are worst in early summer when we’ve had less time to acclimatise, so it’s important to heed health warnings.
Northern Australia’s tropical savanna is one of the most fire-prone regions on the planet. We need to change the way we manage fires so we can help native wildlife come back from the brink.
Small mammals in northern Australia have been rapidly vanishing for the last 30 years, and scientists weren’t sure why. Now, a major new study found feral livestock are largely to blame.
The ‘New Bradfield’ scheme seeks to revive a nation-building ethos supposedly stifled by bureaucratic inertia. But there are good reasons the scheme never became a reality.
Expanding on sustainable practices in remote parts of Australia can deliver great benefits to both local Indigenous owners and national and global communities.
The government wants more people to live in Australia’s north. So we looked at three scenarios to increase the population and the results don’t always look good for the north.
Managing Director, Triple Helix Consulting; Chief Executive Officer, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research; Professorial Fellow, ANU Fenner School for the Environment and Society, Australian National University