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Articles on Police

Displaying 301 - 320 of 467 articles

Forensic anthropologist Prof. Kathy Gruspier (left) is seen with police officers at a Toronto property where alleged serial killer Bruce McArthur worked. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young

How police are recovering the victims of the Toronto serial killer

Police in Toronto say they’ve found the remains of at least six people in the midst of their investigation into alleged serial killer Bruce McArthur. Here’s what goes on in such investigations.
Members of the police SWAT team gather outside a small apartment building in Montréal in 2009. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Paul Chiasson

Rise of the SWAT team: Routine police work in Canada is now militarized

The deployments of SWAT teams by public police for routine police activities have risen in major Canadian cities. This militarization will likely fall disproportionately on those from minority groups.
A mural in memory of Alton Sterling, who was shot several times at close range by police in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on July 5, 2016. W. Clarke/Wikipedia Commons

The backlash against Black Lives Matter is just more evidence of injustice

Neither the spurious ‘facts’ about killings of police nor the supposedly ‘colour-blind’ logic of the backlash against Black Lives Matter hold up under scrutiny. Instead, they confirm its point.

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