Canada needs the arts, with its insights into human behaviour and thinking, more than ever. But governments and funding agencies should shift funding models for arts graduate education.
Offering ‘carrots’ like biodiversity credits to landholders won’t stop natural collapse. Banning land clearing and stronger environmental laws are much more likely to work.
Profit-friendly data privacy laws in the U.S. are out of step with public sentiment and hinder uses the public supports, from reducing opioid overdose deaths to curbing the COVID-19 pandemic.
The way in which Australians think about leadership in the education sector has changed throughout the pandemic. It’s seen as a public good, with ethics and accountability gaining in importance.
In ancient Athens, the richest people paid taxes to support what the residents considered the salvation of the city. These taxes earned them social and political clout more valuable than money.
Billboards spreading misinformation on the risks of vaccination have popped up around American cities. A bioethicist explains why decisions not to vaccinate children are indefensible.
A peaceful society requires us to trust our public institutions, but in order to do so, we must question them. Questions are a healthy and necessary response to a world filled with uncertainty.
Almost half of eligible households haven’t connected to the NBN. New modelling shows the NBN needs subsidies if we want more people to connect and the economy to benefit from it.
Holding patents can be a lucrative and powerful position to be in. Here’s a proposal for how nonprofit patent holders can do more for the common good – and live up to their end of the tax break bargain.
There are huge challenges in South Africa’s public schools. The question is whether using public-private partnerships is the correct way to address them.
A “buy now, pay later” model is well suited to financing higher education. Commercial bank loans are not viable. Government-backed loans with income-contingent repayment are the fair solution.
College education results in not just better earnings, but better health care and child development as well as political stability and lower criminal justice costs. Should states invest more?