The Russians won’t be alone in spreading disinformation in 2020. Their most likely imitator will be Iran. Also, Instagram could get even more infected with intentional misinformation than it has been.
A new strategy for U.S. Cyber Command seeks to block enemies from achieving their objectives – but may not be successful, and could have unforeseen consequences.
There’s an orderly fashion to so-called disruptive “manifestations”, as they’re called in French. But the “gilets jaunes” didn’t follow the rules. So who exactly broke the rules?
Monitoring the spread of mis-information and dis-information during the Swedish national elections by a group of scholars and journalist could set a precedent elsewhere.
The claim of “resistance” inside the White House offers the possibility of government by Trump appointees who prefer to keep their positions rather than publicly denounce a man they disapprove of.
Ensuring the integrity of democratic elections from hackers and electronic tampering, and boosting public confidence in democracy, isn’t very difficult, nor expensive.
Some behaviors might help tell propaganda-spewing trolls apart from regular internet users, but the main protection is for people to think more critically about online information.
Power utilities’ cybersecurity practices may be effective, but need to evolve over time. And all companies operating elements of the grid – even the small ones – should step up.
Richard Forno, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Russian hackers are coupling old propaganda strategies with new technologies to attack and exploit not just computers and stored data, but how people think.
Cybersecurity experts in the US knew about Russian intelligence agencies’ activities, but may not have had any idea how comprehensive and integrated they were – until now.
Third in the Oxford-style debate series, this article argues against the motion that “the impact reflected by Trump is here to stay” by focusing on the transitory nature of his presidency.
The difference between probing and mapping and actually attacking depends on the intent of the people doing it, which is hard to figure out and may change. The dangers, however, remain worrying.
An American pilot. A German aide on Capitol Hill. In the first and second world wars, the FBI effectively uprooted foreign influence campaigns. Today, the agency faces an uphill battle.
Will 12 Russians indicted for hacking the 2016 US election ever come to trial? They may not, but the indictments themselves are an important step in the effort to determine the truth of what happened.