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Articles on Soviet Union (USSR)

Displaying 201 - 220 of 266 articles

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe’s clampdown on dissent in Matabeleland claimed up to 20 000 lives. EPA/Aaron Ufumeli/ Pool

British policy towards Zimbabwe during Matabeleland massacre: licence to kill

The effects of President Mugabe’s post-independence security clampdown that led to the murder of between 10 000 and 20 000 Zimbabweans, known as the Matabeleland massacre, continue to be felt.
The 1976 memorial at the Babi Yar massacre site only recognised Soviet victims, despite the killing of more than 30,000 Jewish people. In 1991 a Jewish memorial was installed nearby. Jennifer Boyer/Flickr

Decoding the music masterpieces: Shostakovich’s Babi Yar

On September 29 1941, Nazis murdered more than 30,000 Jews in a ravine outside Kiev. Dmitri Shostakovich’s 13th Symphony, Babi Yar, is a damning critique of the Soviet Union’s lack of recognition of the massacre, and a condemnation of Stalinism.
Confederate General P.G.T. Beauregard is removed from the entrance to City Park in New Orleans. REUTERS/Cheryl Gerber

What to do with Confederate statues?

A scholar of southern politics finds inspiration in an unexpected place.
Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks to the students on July 21, 2017. Alexei Nikolsky/via AP

Imagining Russia post-Putin

Stepping back from the current crisis in US-Russia relations, a Soviet expert asks: what’s in store for Russia in the long term, and is a peaceful transition possible when Putin’s gig is up?
North Korean leader Kim Jung-un inspects an outpost and Jangjedo defending force. REUTERS/North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA)

What makes Kim Jong Un tick?

A scholar who has profiled the likes of Saddam Hussein and Vladimir Putin says there is a method to understanding the madness.

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