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Articles on Technology

Displaying 81 - 100 of 1222 articles

Several popular messaging apps, including Messenger, Signal, Telegram and WhatsApp, use end-to-end encryption. Open Rights Group/Flickr

Are private conversations truly private? A cybersecurity expert explains how end-to-end encryption protects you

End-to-end encryption provides strong protection for keeping your communications private, but not every messaging app uses it, and even some of the ones that do don’t have it turned on by default.
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre took questions on the day the Biden administration announced an executive order that puts personal data privacy in a national security context. AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Biden executive order on sensitive personal information does little for now to curb data market – but spotlights the threat the market poses

The dangers posed by the largely unregulated commercial data market prompted the Biden administration to try to prevent adversarial countries from exploiting Americans’ sensitive personal data.
Frank Rosenblatt with the Mark I Perceptron, the first artificial neural network computer, unveiled in 1958. National Museum of the U.S. Navy/Flickr

We’ve been here before: AI promised humanlike machines – in 1958

Enthusiasm for the capabilities of artificial intelligence – and claims for the approach of humanlike prowess –has followed a boom-and-bust cycle since the middle of the 20th century.

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