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Articles on Trade

Displaying 421 - 440 of 610 articles

President Trump could withdraw from environmental treaties, but trade protectionism could be an opportunity for reform. EPA/TANNEN MAURY

Trump presidency presents challenges and opportunities for the environment

While Trump’s more extreme campaign promises may not eventuate, substantive changes in how the US engages with the world on environmental, and many other, issues are likely.
We can give thanks to the strong winds of trans-Atlantic trade for ‘Tom Turkey.’ Reuters/Shannon Stapleton

Why we have globalization to thank for Thanksgiving

A globalization expert shares two surprising tales of how the powerful winds of trans-Atlantic trade affected the quintessentially American holiday.
The United States and Australia should abandon the TPP and focus their efforts on trade deals that take a prudent approach to market access. Mark Kauzlarich/Reuters

Why Trump is right, and wrong, about killing off the TPP

The United States and other countries are right to reject the TPP, but President-elect Donald Trump’s claims about it are misguided.
During his campaign, Trump has adopted a virulent nationalist tone. Carlo Allegri/Reuters

What will Trump’s foreign policy look like?

From Iran and the relationship with Russia to global trade, many questions remain on how Donald Trump will shape his foreign policy.

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