Since 2020, a team of legal researchers has collected more than 12,000 cases involving enslaved people and more than 40,000 cases that cite those cases.
In the past, when courts considered disputes over what to do with no-longer-wanted embryos, they typically considered them property. The Alabama ruling challenges this legal precedent.
Anthony Albanese has flagged a crack-down on people’s personal details being shared online without consent. But like so much of the internet, it’s hard to police.
Many genocide classes review the Holocaust or Cambodia’s Killing Fields. A scholar wanted to show that genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing still happen today.
Employers navigating employees’ requests for religious accommodations face some confusing guidance. A new Supreme Court case could clarify – and shift the norm.
Most of the election-related lawsuits now before state courts focus on fine details of election procedures. This can be a costly, time-consuming process for state courts.
Major Supreme Court decisions and reversals last term are leaving some people, including this scholar on constitutional politics, wondering – what’s going on with the court?
It’s a long-standing principle that people should be able to read the laws that govern them. But many technical rules and standards are hard to find and access, even for lawyers or court officials.
Lower federal court judges follow a formal code of ethics, but this does not apply to Supreme Court justices, leaving potential conflicts of interest unchecked.
By a 6 to 3 majority, the Supreme Court decided to overrule the landmark Roe decision and end almost 50 years of access to abortion being a constitution right.
The Supreme Court is a leading player in enacting policy in the US. But it has no army to enforce its decisions; its authority rests solely on its legitimacy.