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Articles on Voter ID

Displaying 21 - 36 of 36 articles

Democrats filed suit against Republicans in 1981 for allegedly sending armed patrols to polling stations during the New Jersey gubernatorial race. Megan Jelinger/AFP via Getty Images

Armed poll watchers: New Jersey’s cautionary tale ahead of the 2020 presidential election

Republicans are free again to recruit poll watchers – four decades after ‘ballot security’ operations helped steer New Jersey’s 1981 gubernatorial race toward their candidate.
Civil rights organizations have sued Georgia’s Republican secretary of state for failing to register 53,000 new voters, most of them black. Reuters/Christopher Aluka Berry

Georgia election fight shows that black voter suppression, a southern tradition, still flourishes

Georgia’s secretary of state has stalled voter registrations and accused Democrats of hacking. His tactics recall past efforts in the South to suppress black votes, from poll taxes to literacy tests
Everyone welcome? PA/Peter Byrne

Voter ID plans could disenfranchise millions

If only expensive documents such as passports are acceptable forms of identification at polling stations, many people may be denied their democratic rights. Free voter cards are essential.
A Kansas voter prepares to cast her ballot – and prove her identity – in the 2014 midterm elections. AP Photo/Charlie Riedel

Kris Kobach and Kansas’ SAFE Act

As Kansas’ secretary of state, Kobach drafted the nation’s most restrictive voter ID law.
If you’re a Queenslander, don’t forget to pack some ID to comply with new rules at the upcoming state election. AAP/Tony Phillips

Queenslanders now have to prove their identity to vote – but why?

In a first for an Australian general election, when Queenslanders head to the polls on January 31 they’ll need more than loose change for the sausage sizzle and cake stalls – they now also need to bring…

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