Modern web browsers are increasingly becoming like virtual computers, able to send email and play music and videos. The downside is it’s a new way for hackers to get into your computer.
Your data privacy is under threat from hackers, data brokers and big tech. Here’s what you can do about it. Step 1 is to get your colleagues, friends and family on board.
The padlock symbol simply means that the data being sent between the web server and the user’s computer is encrypted and cannot be read by others. But many people don’t know that.
Once a pioneer of the information age, now stereotyped as the browser of choice for people who are less than web-savvy, the curtain will finally come down on Internet Explorer next year.
It’s impossible to be certain of safety while using Gmail, Yahoo mail and other web-based email systems. The best solution is a radical one: It’s time to return to plain, text-only email.
If the site is increasingly where people are getting their news, what could the company do without taking up the mantle of being a final arbiter of truth?
Microsoft’s looking to change the way we interact with websites through its new Spartan project. So what does that mean for the much derided Internet Explorer?
Until a few years ago, there was only one name in the world of web browsing: Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. But now, in 2011, users have more choice than ever when it comes to searching online. Before…