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Education – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 501 - 525 of 736 articles

A parent surveys the scene of Kenya’s worst school fire, in which 63 students died in 2001. Recent arson attacks have been aimed at disruption. Reuters

Fighting fire with fire is unlikely to stem Kenya student unrest

A shocking wave of school fires set by students across Kenya has elicited a range of counter-measures, none of which appears to get to the root of the problem.
Embarking on the path to a PhD is a scary business. Shutterstock

Want to do your PhD in Africa? Here’s what you need to know

Many people are left floundering when they try to get working on their PhDs. In Africa, this is often because the skills they need haven’t been developed earlier in their academic careers.
A traditional rainmaker in Kenya. How can indigenous knowledge become part of university curricula? Department For International Development/International Development Research Centre/Thomas Omondi/Flickr

Decolonisation involves more than simply turning back the clock

Decolonisation of the curriculum doesn’t have to mean the destruction of Western knowledge, but it’s decentring. Such knowledge should become one way of knowing rather than the only way.
Students cheer as a statue of Cecil John Rhodes is removed from the University of Cape Town in April 2015. REUTERS/Sumaya Hisham

Decolonising the curriculum: it’s time for a strategy

There is a risk that because of fatigue, frustration and silencing the important moment created by South Africa’s student movements will pass by with no proper, long-term structural change.