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Business + Economy – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 5651 - 5675 of 7438 articles

There are doubts provisions will benefit copyright holders. AAP/Lukas Coch

Trade pact would make internet services more expensive

Last week Michael Froman, a US trade representative, took his son touring around the Paramount lot in Hollywood to visit a sound mixing stage, watch a movie and pose for happy snaps with company executives…
Graeme Samuel retired from the ACCC in 2011, but says the watchdog is the only real oversight the government has over businesses like Australia Post, which he says should be privatised. AAP/Andrew Taylor

Don’t expect fast reform: Graeme Samuel

Australia’s reform agenda has stalled, according to former Australian Competition and Consumer Commission chief Graeme Samuel, and we won’t see any serious reform attempts for some time. The election of…
A new grocery code of conduct provides new rules for a sector subject to price wars, but will not solve all market problems. Lukas Coch/AAP

Coles and Woolworths code useful, but beware disputes

Coles, Woolworths and the Food and Grocery Council have released a draft industry code of conduct to help govern their relationships with suppliers. The code will be “voluntary” under section 51AE of the…
What Federal Reserve nominee Janet Yellen might say will move markets and the Australian dollar - the RBA, not so much. AAP

Talking the dollar down: does jawboning work?

In a letter to a political ally in 1900, Theodore Roosevelt coined the phrase “Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far”. The corollary was that, without a big stick and preparedness to use…
Australia’s links to key Asian partners remain under-developed, which will impact the success of foreign investment in the Asian Century. (Shanghai) flickr/cuellar

Why Australia must deepen its Asian investment relationships

Foreign investment has been a key issue in national policy debate. Surging levels of foreign investment have provided a fillip to the Australian economy during the global financial crisis, and have been…
The media regulator ACMA has been able to do little about breaches to the broadcasting guidelines, and is calling for greater mid-strength powers. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Be careful what you ask for: ACMA’s bid for more power

A media super-regulator, bigger and bolder than anything considered by the ALP? Or just an ambitious government agency engaged in street theatre as the Coalition slashes the public service? Those are questions…
The leaked IP chapter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations reflects a highly prescriptive set of rules that if adopted would prove harmful to Australia. voteprime/Flickr

IP trade negotiations a prescription for harm

Trade Minister Andrew Robb has responded to last week’s leak of the intellectual property chapter negotiations of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, arguing Australia won’t agree to anything that would “force…
Joe Hockey has a big decision to make by December 17. jcburns/Flickr

Archer Daniels Midland, GrainCorp and the liability firewall

The Coalition government is split over the controversial bid for GrainCorp by American commodities trading giant Archer Daniels Midland (ADM). Treasurer Joe Hockey has found himself torn between upholding…
Concern over the transparency of TPP negotiations grew after it was revealed negotiating documents could not be released until four years after the completion of the negotiations. Azhar Rahim/AAP

The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Australia’s right to know

In the history of trade agreement negotiations, most have been undertaken in secret, justified on the grounds that the governments’ negotiating positions would be weakened if they became public. But this…
New research highlights the informed nature of buy-sell-buy trades. Publik16/Flickr

In defence of active fund managers

Australian investors and superannuation funds have invested hundreds of billions of their life savings with active fund managers. These funds have very high fees compared with index funds to cover not…
Freelancer brings together employers and casual workers in what the market has determined is a billion dollar business. ojtibi/Flickr

Freelancer’s IPO: A billion reasons to care

Online labour marketplace listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) on Friday and saw immediate gains on its initial stock price of 50 cents to a high of A$2.60 before closing at A$1.60…
David Jones has seen online sales grow 1000% since launching its omnichannel strategy, but online sales still only represent 1% of total sales. AAP/Jeremy Piper

Australian retailers online: late to the party and much to do

Australian consumers are embracing digital commerce, but Australian retailers are failing to build long-term relationships with their customers online, according to new research. More than 50% of Australians…
Part of the nest egg of Australian superannuation funds is now being invested in a media startup.

Not my super! Aussie super funds take media gamble with New Daily

In a controversial move, affiliates of the Industry Super Funds network (AustralianSuper, Cbus and Industry Super Holdings) have spent a combined A$3 million of member funds on an online news website…
From China to the world: Chinese companies have relied on business-to-business sales, and haven’t developed well-known brands. EPA/Adrian Bradshaw

Manufacturing powerhouse China lagging on brand awareness

China manufactures an enormous amount of consumer goods. Its value to the global economy is estimated to be around US$7 trillion. But stigmatised as low cost, low quality products, Chinese brands have…
Dell and IBM are two companies feeling the pinch by the growing corporate shift towards cloud computing. Mauritz Antin/EPA

Clouds bear down on computer hardware companies

When Amazon, known by most as an online department store, extended its web services business into Australia in 2012, few outside the IT sector noticed. Data released last week by the Australian Securities…
New Daily editor-in-chief Bruce Guthrie brings a wealth of experience, but will it be enough to support a free, general news publication in a crowded market? AAP/Julian Smith

The hits and misses of journalism’s New Daily

From more than one perspective the New Daily, Australia’s latest online news provider, couldn’t have a better chance of survival. With Bruce Guthrie (ex-Herald Sun and Age editor) as editor-in-chief, Daniel…
What is the best trade option for Australia’s future? AAP/Alex Ibanez

Multilateral, regional, bilateral: which agreement is best?

One of the first acts of Tony Abbott’s government was to declare it intended to “embrace free trade” in its first term in office. Calling the trade minister Australia’s “ambassador for jobs”, the Coalition…
New digital media entrant The New Daily injects a hopeful note into the media landscape. A screenshot of The New Daily.

A New Daily, new models and new hope: journalism’s silver lining

November is a month of two tales for the Australian media industry: one of hope, the other of despair. The arrival on Wednesday of the online news site The New Daily, and reports that The Monthly’s publisher…
By allowing ISDS clauses in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Australia could be opening the door to more legal challenges from corporations. mattyp_/Flickr

When trade agreements threaten sovereignty: Australia beware

The leaking of a key Trans-Pacific Partnership document by Wikileaks this week suggests Australia may side with the US on some key issues including the insertion of an Investor-State Dispute Settlement…
Sharing programs such as Melbourne’s bicycle network encourage a ‘collaborative consumption’ culture. flickr/avlxyz

The sharing economy spooking big business

Earlier this year, I travelled to Melbourne for a conference. Instead of paying to stay in a hotel like I normally would, I paid a local couple to stay in their spare room. On arriving at their clean and…
Online, businesses are fuelled by a different set of economic forces than those that exist purely offline. x-ray delta one/Flickr

Why there’s no Pepsi® in cyberspace

The world of big business is littered with once popular but now discarded household names like Kodak, Borders and Blockbuster. In this disruptive forces series we find out who might be next, uncovering…
Victoria’s AAA rating has been affirmed - but are we now cynical about these measures? Image sourced from

Victoria milks its AAA rating, but is it really creaming it?

Credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s affirmed Victoria’s AAA credit rating last week and State Treasurer Michael O’Brien milked the announcement for all it was worth. “Victoria,” he said proudly…
Small emerging firms could benefit from bypassing venture capitalists and investment banks and crowd funding their initial start-up capital, if Australian regulators make similar changes to those proposed by the SEC in the US. James Cridland

Equity crowdfunding could help Australian firms fill capital gap

Last month the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the United States released a proposal that paves the way for “equity crowdfunding”. Unlike existing crowd-funding platforms such as Kickstarter…
Treasurer Joe Hockey admits the government’s ‘open for business’ promise must be followed up with action. Alan Porritt/AAP

Abbott’s ‘open for business’ honeymoon is over

From a three-and-a-half year high last month, business confidence data for October shows the post-election honeymoon is over, with business conditions continuing to underperform in non-mining sectors…