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Business + Economy – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 5726 - 5750 of 7439 articles

The Fairfax board is one of 22 who have fallen foul of new provisions meant to empower shareholders. AAP/Julian Smith

Shareholder activism: the virtuous and the venal

The era of passive shareholding where investors patiently waited for companies to offer dividends (or simply sold their shares and moved on) is gone forever. Shareholdings are no longer largely distributed…
Chinese demand for cheese has intensified, creating a boom for Australian producers. But international manufacturers have become interested, and want a slice. EPA/Jens Buettner

After wine, Chinese consumers want a slice of cheese

When I heard that Asia, and particularly China, started to show interest in cheese, I automatically assumed that the French would be leading the race of cheese exports to the region. How wrong I was. Australian…
The controversial “two-strikes” rule has prompted improved communication surrounding executive pay in companies like Bluescope Steel. AAP Image/Paul Miller

Executive pay pain won’t go away

The controversial two-strikes law for shareholder voting on executive remuneration is now in its third Australian AGM season. The rule requires companies to put a motion to shareholders to “spill” the…
Trades on the ‘grey markets’ are becoming increasingly common in Australia. flickr/zdenadel

Explainer: black markets, grey markets, and dark pools

There are a range of markets available to buyers and sellers that allow them to exchange goods and services. But whereas some markets are highly regulated, others are not regulated at all. The sale of…
With only one woman in Abbott’s cabinet, is it time to question the validity of the ‘merit’ argument? EPA Image/Justin Lane

The myth of merit and unconscious bias

The presence of only one woman, albeit a high profile one, in Tony Abbott’s cabinet has prompted renewed calls for the introduction of quotas to ensure greater numbers of senior women in government. And…
Costco is looking to expand its US petrol business to its Australian stores. lokeswari/Flickr

Costco’s entry into petrol is unlikely to help most consumers

In a new twist in the long-running Australian petrol wars, Costco is preparing to join the discount petrol market. Sydney’s second Costco outlet, scheduled to open later this year, will reportedly sell…
The Abbott government is moving to re-establish a commission dealing with construction union militancy, but the CFMEU says it won’t back down. AAP/Juilan Smith

Revived construction sector watchdog more politics than productivity

Australia’s construction union will not back down on militancy in the face of tougher laws surrounding construction sites, according to controversial union boss Joe McDonald. The Abbott government last…
Companies are getting better at disclosing possible environmental and social issues that might cause profits to slip, but there is more they could do. Flickr/Ian Barbour

Mixed result on sustainability reporting, but ASX proposes greater disclosure

Investors are increasingly interested in how companies manage non-financial – environmental and social – risks. And there is still substantial room for improvement. The recent Sustainability Reporting…
Freelancer helps businesses outsource their work, and helps freelancers find work. Freelancer

Freelancer’s IPO and the new tech millionaires

Freelancer, the online freelance and labour market site has issued its prospectus ahead of a listing on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). Although perhaps not a household name, Freelancer is a rapidly…
Australian firms fear Abbott may sign anything to get Xi Jinping’s name on the dotted line.

An FTA with China in 12 months is a big ask

Forget APEC. That is so 1997. Prime Minister Abbott has recently established an ambitious – not to mention exceedingly optimistic – deadline of 12 months to conclude a Free Trade Agreement with China…
East Asia could see lower demand for goods as China refocuses on domestic consumption. EPA/Rolex Dela Pena

China’s inward focus saps growth from region, says World Bank

East Asia’s growth is slowing as China focuses on domestic demand growth from weaker exports, according to a World Bank report released last week. But East Asia will still grow faster than other regions…
In the wake of significant natural disasters, Australia’s 2014 G20 host year presents an opportunity to improve disaster risk financing strategies. AAP/Catherine Best

Why disaster insurance should be on the G20 agenda

Australia has an unprecedented opportunity to resolve issues of escalating insurance prices caused by an uncertain climate. The time has come to curb the trend towards increased economic exposure to natural…
More newspapers are turning to paywalls, and while the number of readers falls, revenues often grow. Anne Petersen

Get out your wallets, paywalls are in

The Guardian’s Australian editor-in-chief Katharine Viner did what many media commentators fail to do, last week, and disentangled the crisis facing print newspapers from the state of journalism. Too often…
Google plans on ditching cookies as a personal identifier and going with an in-house version. Mark Poblete

No more cookies: Google wants to own the whole bakery

The indelible digital footprint associated with your internet usage is worth gold to others. Around the world, online advertisers are expected to spend around $117 Billion this year alone. And it’s Google…
Music TV programs, like rage, have provided exposure for artists who would have otherwise been drowned out by the vast amount of music available online.

Rage against the machine: music TV still important for the Australian industry

Digital production and distribution has made it easier to access music than at any other time in human history. But no one starts at “A” in iTunes or on YouTube’s homepage and listens to everything. There…
Platforms that allow users to ‘do things’ with content could represent a new age in music distribution.

‘Doing things’ with music: the newest arm of the industry

Even though revenues from recorded music have fallen dramatically over the past fifteen years, people across the world are not listening to less music. Actually, they listen to more recorded music than…
If it’s common practice to pay bribes for contracts, is it alright? Not quite. Sigurd Rage

‘Local business practice’ doesn’t justify unethical behaviour

You’d have thought corporate executives in a post-GFC world would have learnt, the hard way, the relevance of ethical behaviour. So it may come as a surprise that in a recent survey by Ernst & Young…
Janet Yellen supports programs to create job growth, a move which means keeping the Fed’s easy money policy in place. EPA/Franck Robichon

Yellen to keep status quo as US Fed struggles with slow recovery

If endorsed by the US Senate, Janet Yellen is set to become the first woman to head the US Federal Reserve, the most powerful central bank in the world. She’ll replace the current chairman Ben Bernanke…
Despite their educational appeal, the majority of Pis sold have been bought by middle-aged hobbyists. Yan Arief via Flickr

Is the Raspberry Pi an innovation in computer training, or just another toy?

This week the Raspberry Pi Foundation announced that they had manufactured 1 million Raspberry Pi computers in the UK. In an age when the very thought of manufacturing anything outside of China would be…
Smiling now: Christine Lagarde ahead of the annual conference that brings together IMF and World Bank governors. EPA/Shawn Thew

Should the IMF announce its intentions on economic policy?

The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank will today begin their marathon three-day annual meeting in Washington D.C. to review the last year and set out strategies for the future. And while it…
The social aspects of streaming services are an opportunity for listeners to promote their tastes. Flickr/Joel G Goodman

Spotify: merging music with social media

Our relationships with music are deeply personal and intimate. But we shouldn’t forget that music is also an incredibly powerful social tool capable of bringing people together to share in an experience…
Even before an investigation by the AFP and ASIC, companies and their directors could see serious damage done to their reputation. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Bribery, corruption and a reputation in pieces

Australia’s business community awoke last week to the shocking headlines in Fairfax newspapers that Leighton Holdings and its subsidiaries stand accused of bribery and corruption in the acquisition of…
International brands like Uniqlo are heading to Australia in increasing numbers, defying gloom in the retail sector. Uniqlo

Shopkeepers of the world unite: Uniqlo heading to Australia

Japanese fashion label Uniqlo and homeware store Muji will enter the Australian market next year, following other recent arrivals H&M, Topshop and Zara. Despite the purported decline of brick and mortar…